How do we grow as a writer? Or a better question is how do we track that growth?
I’m not talking about sales numbers or something easily trackable. I’m talking more about goals for our inner selves.
My word for 2024 is grow. And I have had a hard time finding things related to that word to motivate me specifically in my writing. Quotes or examples of that word playing out throughout the day. Last year was change and that was no problem. In fact this year could’ve been change, too. And there are so many more quotes related to change, than there is grow.
Yet change is what helps you grow. And when I took this picture, it occurred to me how much I have grown. It’s just difficult to see it.
This past week, I cleaned out a large stack of papers. What would seem like a very easy toss was not. It represented the entire set of printed papers of all the different versions my story went through before it became a published book.
Twelve years worth.
I don’t need them anymore. But when I look at this stack I see where it all began and what it then became.
When I started this writing journey I had no idea what I was doing. I read a lot of books and had story ideas, but how did you actually write one?
I started out by joining a writing group that held workshops every month and online classes. Then I joined a few more and took more classes. I printed out scenes. Had writing friends review. I then worked on sections during these online classes. I entered contests (a lot) and printed out all the feedback. Some was hard to accept, but I’d come back stronger and try again.
I’m not sure what drove me. God, definitely. He never gave up on the story He wanted me to write. I also wanted to follow through with what I started.
To read some of my early early scenes helps me see how far I’ve come. How I wrote scenes over and over again to find the words people would want to read. I also found some gems in side notes that came from those classes (I did save a few of those).
I most likely won’t print out pages like this with future books. Or if I do, I toss as soon as I’m done. I trust myself and what I’m doing more. But I won’t have this huge stack to remind me of all the work and change and growth that went into writing my story.
It’s now time to say goodbye to this stack, but I took a picture to remind me that anything worth doing is a journey. A process. I’m really thankful for all of it. I don’t think I’d change a thing.
Denise’s first novel, When Plans Go Awry, published June 4, 2024 and can be purchased on Amazon, both in print and digital formats. She has a section on her website where she shares about her Focus Words or you can see past articles by Denise here on A Slice of Orange in her archives.
0 0 Read moreGROW is my focus word this year and I haven’t spent as much time with it as I’ve wanted to, so I figured it was time for me to do some reflecting on my word GROW from a writing perspective. Like a mid-year review of my focus word GROW.
I try to write in a journal once a month about my word. I use Bible verses and quotes as a starting point to dig deeper into that word. Here are some themes that are starting to sprout out (see what I did there – lol).
When I typed in the word grow, several graphics and quotes had plants in them. What’s interesting is that in order for a plant to grow, you need patience, time, & continuous love and care. This is exactly what we as writers need in order for our books to be written.
We don’t grow without being watered. We need feul and we need rest. If we want to grow as writers, we need to think of ourselves as plants and take care of ourselves. This is something I’m still working on. And since this is a mid-year review, I know what I need to focus on for the rest of the year.
I love that his graphic has a butterfly on it. Each butterfly is unique and first starts out as a caterpillar. And I love this Bible verse:
Plant goodness, harvest the fruit of loyalty, plow the new ground of knowledge.
Hosea 10:12
As writers we have a lot of decisions to make for our stories. What names to use, what ages, hair color, and so much more. Sometimes I feel stalled and I have to remember to just try something and move forward with it.
I’m in the thick of it right now as I work on book two. So many little decisions about our characters personalities that add flavor to our stories. I want to be better in this area of decision-making so that I can move on with writing additional stories.
The same came be said with putting ourselves out there with social media or podcasts. Post something a little more personal so your readers can relate. Figure out how to connect with them. After the launch of my debut novel this year, When Plans Go Awry, I have learned and found additional things to talk about and share with my readers.
This is what we do in our stories. They evolve, we develop them, and produce them. So we are manuscripts are growing all the time. It may not feel like it, but every 100 words we write is advancing our story. Stretch yourself to keep moving forward.
Because I’ve now published a book, I now know what’s expected after you write ‘the end’. I’ve learned how to edit more with my original writing and I know how I want to story to be. When I first started, I didn’t know any of these things.
I also am learning how to think like a published author. Building my author brand, interacting with readers, paying attention to websites such as BookBub and my author Amazon page that you can’t do when you are not published.
I have been talking about my focus word every year now for several years. I’ve been slowly building pages on my website to highlight the quotes, verses, and learnings about each word (and I have more to do), so if you decide to choose that word, you have a reference point. Check out my GROW page on my website.
I’ve also done something new this year. I created a sticker that I can hand out or sell at reader events for my word GROW. I love how this came out. I hope to make more of these from past words soon. I’d love to know what you think of this.
So I guess I could say I have grown a lot this year already, which is a great so far this year. Here’s to five more months to continue to Focus on my word GROW.
Check out my post from the January 2024, when I first began with the word GROW.
0 1 Read moreHappy New Year! I’m super excited for all this year will be. You see, 2024 is going to be my year to GROW. Last year was all about change and I found a fabulous quote that illustrates the connection between last year’s word and this year’s word.
“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.”
Gail Sherry
I love looking up synonyms for my word of the year. For grow, there are several other words that help communicate what I’m thinking. Those include evolve, build, cultivate, develop, product, sprout, thrive, and stretch. Each word jumps out at me at different times. Right now the one that makes me laugh is sprout. My plan for 2024 is to sprout out of my little seed as a writer and bloom into something more.
My goals this year include learning new things. Most of these will be related to publishing my first book. When Plans Go Awry will be launched into the world June 4, 2024 and there are many steps to finish this story’s journey. To support the launch, I’m interested in growing my newsletter list, building a launch team (more to come about that), and all the other things needed to ultimately grow sales. There are a lot of new things to learn about all of this!
In my personal life I hope to grow as well. First, our family dynamics will change. We are growing as a family when my son gets married this year and we gain a daughter-in-law. I’m also wanting to grow in my walk with Jesus, and grow in my relationships with friends and family by spending more time in these areas. I’m also looking to continue to grow in better health. I spent a lot of time in 2023 working on things to make changes and I hope to continue in this area as well.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 3:18
To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
All in all, I’m excited about 2024 and what it will bring. You’ll see all sorts of reminders for my word throughout the year. I made a mug with all my words on it, so I could be reminded of the magical journey picking words to focus on takes me. Here’s my first reel I made about my mug, which was too large for me to post here. Instead I’ll share a pic of me using my mug!
I love choosing a new word every year. It is by far one of my favorite new years traditions. If you have a word for 2024, I’d love to hear what it is. Just make comments below. Here’s to growing in our word we’ve chosen for this year.
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