Tag: Haiku

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Poetic Thoughts by Veronica Jorge

May 22, 2022 by in category Write From the Heart by Veronica Jorge tagged as , , , , ,
March was World Poetry Day, and April was National Poetry month. During a recent webinar sponsored by the Highlights Foundation, the authors Margarita Engle and Padma Venkatraman expressed the following thoughts:

Poetry is a safe place, a refuge for your emotions.
Poetry is a form of music.
Poetry is hopeful.

I find that through poetry one can communicate something extremely personal in a safe way. You say it, but don’t really say it. Your words reveal a part of you. Your emotions come out like a song lyric.

Here I share two of my haiku poems of feelings in my own heart.



        by Veronica Jorge

Sand, thousands of grains
They are like my memories
My heart filled with you.

                               by Veronica Jorge

To teach is to learn
In my pupil I see me
My life example.

Thanks for reading.

See you next time on June 22nd!

~Veronica Jorge

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A Mother Learns – 4 Haiku by Neetu

June 26, 2021 by in category Poet's Day by Neetu Malik tagged as , , , , ,

A Mother Learns

4 Haiku

  • gossamer  touch,
    mother strokes her newborn–
    feathered beginnings
  • young buds awaken
    sleepy petals shake off dew
    silver mist of dawn
  • roots grow deep
    where we plant seeds of love
    becoming  evergreens
  • each arm a strong branch
    holds up against mighty storms–
    a mother’s instinct

© Neetu Malik

Some of Neetu’s Books

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Gentle Tread of Spring – 4 Haiku

May 26, 2021 by in category Poet's Day by Neetu Malik tagged as , , ,

Gentle Tread of Spring

4 Haiku

redbud blooms quietly
as I sleep through last frost
at first blush of dawn

samaras tumble down
faster than I sweep, so I
let them rain on me

cardinal perches,
my heart lifts from winter gloom,
soaring as it soars

wisteria blooms
outside in soft morning light–
my soul company

© Neetu Malik

Some of Neetu’s Books

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