Home > Columns > Charmed Writer by Tari Lynn Jewett > Rewards for a job well done!

This morning, editor Angela James posted in the 30 Day Accountability Group that she’s hosting on Facebook for writers: HERE’S ANOTHER TIP FOR GETTING YOURSELF ON TRACK: MAKE A REWARD SYSTEM

So, what about reward systems? Do they work for you? And if they do, how do you set yours up?

A solid reward system can work for so many things. Years ago, when I homeschooled my two younger boys, I made a reward chart for them. They got stickers for completing each task during the day, and they loved getting the stickers, but when they reached a certain number of stickers they got a small ‘prize’. It might be doing something special with Mom or Dad, getting to pick their favorite lunch out, extra video game time, or a small toy. When they collected a larger number of stickers, they earned another larger prize, usually a field trip somewhere special such as the local aquarium, or the zoo. This tiered rewards system was very motivating for the kids, and the rewards were really for both of us. We spent time together that wasn’t school related, and we had new experiences together.

Some of you know that I’ve recently lost a substantial amount of weight. In the beginning, I was rewarding myself for every 5 lbs. with a manicure, of course, the pandemic has changed that, and to be honest, once I hit a certain point, the weight loss itself became the reward, as well as fitting into smaller sizes! Not to mention, how good I feel, and the increased mobility that I have.

When it comes to writing, of course, finishing the book and having people actually read it is the ultimate reward, but sometimes you need those little incentives to get you to THE END. I used to reward myself with food, a piece of See’s chocolate for completing the day’s word count, dinner out for meeting a larger goal. I also justified dinner out by saying that it gave me more time to write. Obviously, in recent months I’ve learned that those rewards had created a different problem, and I needed healthier incentives.

But, I have another passion that I don’t get to indulge as often as I’d like. Sewing. And that has become my new reward. If I meet my writing goal, I’m allowed to sew, and when I finish the book, I get a new sewing toy! With my weight loss, I need new clothes desperately, so I better get writing! And I may even add new clothes (that I didn’t sew) to my rewards.

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Oh, and sometimes a writing class or workshop with someone like Angela James is a reward! A reward that can make your next project even better.

How do you reward yourself for your accomplishments? What are your favorite treats? Or do you feel the accomplishment is reward enough?

Author Details
Author Details
My freelance writing career happened by accident, or really by accidents, and I wrote for magazines and newspapers for 15 years. I quit to homeschool my two youngest sons, and now that all three are grown, I’m writing fiction. I live in the Los Angeles South Bay area with my husband, often known as Hunky Hubby. When I’m not writing, I’m spending time with my family, reading, cooking or sewing and I can play a mean game of pool, if I do say so myself!
My freelance writing career happened by accident, or really by accidents, and I wrote for magazines and newspapers for 15 years. I quit to homeschool my two youngest sons, and now that all three are grown, I’m writing fiction. I live in the Los Angeles South Bay area with my husband, often known as Hunky Hubby. When I’m not writing, I’m spending time with my family, reading, cooking or sewing and I can play a mean game of pool, if I do say so myself!
  • Jann says:

    I’ll purchase a nice bottle of wine to toast the accomplishment. Love the apron. Did you sew them?

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