Do you feel like you can never find the time to write? Have you been chipping away at the same manuscript forever without much progress? Do you need a system that can get you to typing “The End” with success and satisfaction? Wrangling a fickle muse to meet a deadline—or just to get rid of that looming blank page—is a life-skill for everyone who wants to get serious about their writing. Allie Pleiter, the bestselling author of over 40 books, shares the nuts and bolts of how to manage your muse. You’ll learn how to set goals and deadlines that reflect your personal writing style and speed–and smart ways to get faster when you need it. Join the thousands of other writers who have mastered the writing process using Pleiter’s popular Chunky Method. With a useful mix of the practical, the inspirational, and the nitty-gritty real life of it all, this workshop gives aspiring or working writers the tools they need to make the magic happen.
“Implementing the Chunky Method has charged my writing with confidence, quadrupled my productivity, organized my days, and enhanced my enjoyment of life. Allie is my hero!” — Linda H.
“I was overwhelmed, but now I feel fantastic” — Michelle S.
“Before The Chunky Method, I spent years worrying about how I was ever going to finish my novel, let alone a series of stories, with a busy schedule and a demanding day job. I feel far more confident now, and the method works – it’s my custom method, after all. I’ve already written far more than before the Chunky Method.” — M.V.
“I feel empowered. I feel much more in control of the process now. I feel good that I have a plan and schedule that work with me. I feel like I am going to achieve success, and in a timely manner instead of a scattered one. Thank you again for some of the most valuable, and applicable information I’ve received in over fourteen years of conferences and online classes.” — Becki
Award-winning bestselling author Allie Pleiter writes both fiction and non-fiction working on as many as four books at a time. She teaches creative people how to be consistently, dependably productive while teaching high-performing professionals how to create the vital content today’s marketing requires. The author of over 40 published titles, Allie has spent a decade in the publishing profession with over 1.4 million books sold worldwide. In addition to her own writing career, Allie maintains an active writing productivity coaching practice and speaks regularly on faith, the creative process, women’s issues, and her very favorite topic—The Chunky Method of time management.
This is a 4-week online course that uses email and The class is open to anyone wishing to participate. The cost is $30.00 per person or, if you are a member of OCCRWA, $20.00 per person.To sign up or for more information, go to the class page at the OCC/RWA website:
Linda McLaughlin
OCC/RWA Online Class Coordinator
Last month, I spoke to you a little about podcasting. If you don’t know what it is, it’s sort of like a radio program with daily or weekly or some other number of episodes each month. It’s pre-recorded, not live, and although mostly the hosts know what they’re going to say, podcasts can have lots of unscripted parts – which can make listening more interesting and entertaining, or really boring, depending on the hosts and how the episodes are edited.
Topics can range from religious to business to crime to celebrity and more, but there is a ton of how-to and self-help. That’s where most of the writing and publishing podcasts come in.
My favorites are Joanna Penn’s The Creative Penn and Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing Formula. And of course, my own new WRITE NOW! Workshop Podcast. Haha! 😉 People can listen on the website, or use their favorite podcast app on their phone. Most podcasts can be found on iTunes and Stitcher as well as other places. Listeners can hit the subscribe button and new episodes will be downloaded automatically.
Most of the ones I listen to have a short to medium-length introduction that might include publishing news, writing updates, and maybe some fun banter before introducing the episode’s guest. Then there’s usually an interview segment, and often a short wrap-up at the end.
Others have several people chatting about writing in general, often punctuated by banter and rabbit trails. Sometimes it’s just a single host (like me) with or without interviewed guests. (I do a teaching episode by myself on Tuesdays, interview a writer or other industry pro on Thursdays, and I do an Encouraging Words episode every Sunday.)
Podcasts are, by definition, audio shows. But many people, myself included, have also recorded some or all of their show on video and uploaded the episodes to their YouTube channel. People can search for a subject and find these shows, listen, and hit the subscribe button if they like it. Then they’ll be notified when a new episode is published.
By definition, these are two mostly different audiences – those who prefer to listen only (maybe while exercising or driving) and those who love YouTube and watching the interaction. It’s a good marketing plan to have a show in both formats, but it’s a lot of work!
[Here are the YouTube channels for me, Joanna, and Mark, if you want to take a look.]
If you’re an information junkie like me, or you don’t have the time to read a lot of articles and books on writing and writing-business topics, check out podcasts. Even businesses like Kobo and Smashwords have started their own podcasts. In addition to writing topics, I also subscribe to podcasts on business, leadership, healthy eating, neuroscience, Christian living, and one called Serial, which takes a seasonal approach and explores a crime and the people involved to try to find the truth. There is a lot of helpful, free – and entertaining! – information out there. It takes some time, but you may find it’s worth it.
Remember, my class, Going the Distance: Time and Project Management for Writers is open for registration now! Class starts Monday, January 15, 2018, but registration will be open a little longer (with lifetime access). We’ll have a big half-day live online event on Saturday, January 20, where we work on our goals and calendars together as I walk the class through the steps. This will be recorded, but it will be most helpful if you can be there in person.
Last month, I told you that I’d be a guest on Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing Formula Podcast. That episode came out on Friday, January 5, 2018, episode 100! In the PDF download for the episode, there’s a coupon code for $50 off my class, so be sure to use it!
I hope you find this article helpful. There is so much information out there, but not all of it is accurate, not all of it is up-to-date anymore, and some days it feels like searching for a needle in a haystack to find what’s important to you and your business. Podcasts will still have some of those problems, but when you find the ones created by people you’ve learned to trust, they can be an entertaining way to learn.
Kitty Bucholtz decided to combine her undergraduate degree in business, her years of experience in accounting and finance, and her graduate degree in creative writing to become a writer-turned-independent-publisher. She writes romantic comedy and superhero urban fantasy, often with an inspirational element woven in. She loves to teach and offer advice to writers through her WRITE NOW! Workshop courses and the new WRITE NOW! Workshop Podcast.
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The answer is simple.
Visual content is anything that uses pictures, graphics, video, etc. When you see a GIF of cats falling off tables? That’s visual content. A pretty graphic with a quote from a book? Visual Content. Those fabulous cooking videos where they make a cinnamon roll apple pie in twenty seconds? Visual content.
It’s what will get your content seen. As a matter of fact, statistically your readers are 44% more likely to engage with visual content. Hmmm. 44%? Hard to ignore. We all want to work smarter not harder, right? In this class, you will learn:
This class for you if you’ve never created any kind of graphics on your own. It’s for authors who need to learn how to create visual content for their author business and are unsure about using new technology. We will go over:
And believe it or not? I’ll make it fun. I’ll teach you how to create a graphic while you’re standing in line for coffee. =)
Who Am I?
I’m Elena Dillon, an author of the award winning Young Adult Breathe series. When I’m not writing, I love to help my author friends with technology and social media. I’ve taught Social Media for the Confused and Terrified, Pinterest for the Confused and Terrified, Visual Content for Authors and spoken at numerous conferences, chapters, and groups about social media and indie publishing.
Most of the time, I’m a wife to my husband of twenty-six years, mom to my two grown kids and servant to my high-maintenance English bulldog, Brutus, while I wait, not so patiently, for grandbabies.
Perhaps the most difficult part of a writer’s career is selling your books. Whether your book is traditionally published or self-published, trying to figure out how to let readers know your book is available can be enough to make you tear your hair out.
In this 4-week online class, learn at least seven things you can do to find your readers and tell them about your book. We’ll look at creating newsletters (including why, what to say, and how often to send them), giveaways, free promotions, free advertising, paid advertising, Facebook ads, box sets, and more!
Join us and find more ways to increase visibility of your books without emptying your wallet. It’s easier than you might think!
To join:
Taught by Kitty Bucholtz
Kitty Bucholtz writes superhero urban fantasy and romantic comedy, often with an inspirational element woven in. After she earned her MA in Creative Writing, she decided to become a writer-turned-independent-publisher, forming Daydreamer Entertainment and self-publishing her first novel in late 2011. Founder of WRITE NOW! Workshop, she loves to teach writing workshops online and in person.
4 0 Read moreIt has been my privilege and pleasure to find and schedule online classes for OCCRWA, and next month’s class on Visual Content Marketing, taught by our own Elena Dillon, sounds fabulous! Here’s the scoop from Elena:
What is visual content and why do you need it for your marketing strategy? And how does this apply to your author business? The answer is fairly simple.
Visual content is anything that uses pictures, graphics, video, etc. When you see a GIF of cats falling off tables? That’s visual content. A pretty graphic with a quote from a book? Visual Content. Those fabulous cooking videos where they make a cinnamon roll apple pie in twenty seconds? Visual content.
It’s what will get your content seen. As a matter of fact, statistically your readers are 44% more likely to engage with visual content. Hmmm. 44%? Hard to ignore. We all want to work smarter not harder, right? In this class, you will learn:
This class for you if you’ve never created any kind of graphics on your own. It’s for authors who need to learn how to create visual content for their author business and are unsure about using new technology. We will go over:
And believe it or not? I’ll make it fun. I’ll teach you how to create a graphic while you’re standing in line for coffee. =)
Join me for the fun in the February 2017 OCCRWA Visual Content Marketing for the Confused and Terrified Writer class!
About the instructor:
Who Am I?
I’m Elena Dillon, an author of the award winning Young Adult “Breathe†series. When I’m not writing, I love to help my author friends with technology and social media. I’ve taught Social Media for the Confused and Terrified, Pinterest for the Confused and Terrified, Visual Content for Authors and spoken at numerous conferences, chapters and groups about social media and indie publishing.
Most of the time, I’m a wife to my husband of twenty-six years, mom to my two grown kids and servant to my high-maintenance English bulldog, Brutus, while I wait, not so patiently, for grandbabies.
We’ve had to cancel the January class Overcoming Perfectionism and Procrastination with MM Pollard, but I’m hoping to reschedule it for later this year or 2018. MM is a fabulous teacher.
Here’s the rest of the 2017 schedule of classes:
April 10 – May 5: The Feminine Journey with Mary O’Gara
May 15 – 26: Self-Editing (two week class) with Linda Carroll-Bradd
June 12 – July 7: Horse Sense with Shannon Donnelley
August 14 – Sept. 8: Monster Revisions with Suzanne Johnson
Oct. 16 – Nov. 10: Time Management Secrets for Authors with Stacy Juba
Linda McLaughlin
0 0 Read moreA Slice of Orange is an affiliate with some of the booksellers listed on this website, including Barnes & Nobel, Books A Million, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords. This means A Slice of Orange may earn a small advertising fee from sales made through the links used on this website. There are reminders of these affiliate links on the pages for individual books.
La Noche Before Three Kings Day is a perfect holiday tale.
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When Leora Ebersole sees the small plane crash in her Old Order Mennonite community, she has no idea it's a foreshadowing of things to come.
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More info →A Slice of Orange is an affiliate with some of the booksellers listed on this website, including Barnes & Nobel, Books A Million, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords. This means A Slice of Orange may earn a small advertising fee from sales made through the links used on this website. There are reminders of these affiliate links on the pages for individual books.
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