I was stumped for something to write this month. I skimmed my computer for inspiration. I stumbled upon the blog tour for my first published book. I forgot about this tour. Side note, next December will mark ten years of indie publishing for me.
I found an interesting blog post I wanted to share.
How To Create an Inspiring Work Area…this is something I’ve been dealing with for a quite a while. I have attempted to set up my work area and each time I start, I get distracted. It’s not like I have a huge space. I converted a nook in my house. But there are few things I consider necessities to creating an inspiring space.
Here’s my list of Inspiring Work Space Necessities:
A good scented candle – Surround yourself in a nice calm, relaxing scent. It will clear your mind and free up the path for ideas.
Non-traditional office or desk accessories – use old candle holders for pens, paper and binder clips and rubber bands. Cover cardboard boxes in luxe wallpaper. Use small gift boxes for post it notes and scratch paper.
Colorful notebooks and binders – I buy generic notebooks and binders and then cover them in luxe wrapping paper or fabric swatches. I want everything to be coordinated and pretty.
Encouraging Quotes and Verses – Simply print out quotes or verses that are motivational to you and post them to the wall next to your computer. This way, when you feel a little overwhelmed, you can repeat your motivating words.
Water bottle or glass – This is crucial. I’m guilty of not drinking enough water. In an attempt to drink more, I bought a cool “BKr” water bottle. It’s glass and comes with a colorful rubber sleeve. Mine is the pink 16oz size. I keep it next to my computer. Sometimes, I’ll set the timer for every hour, reminding me to drink. You can do the same thing with a pretty glass.
Fancy coffee or tea cup – Like most writers, I start my day with coffee or tea. Whatever your preference, treat yourself to a fancy cup and saucer and place it on your desk. Drinking out of a fancy cup and saucer, makes reading your email a lot less painful. Not to mention, a great cup of coffee or tea is good for clearing out the mind clutter.
Music, Music, Music – I make playlists for my books. When I’m stuck, I head over to iTunes and hit a one of my playlists or I search for new artists that inspire or relax me.
Flowers – I have yet to incorporate this, but it’s on my list for this year. I want to pretty up my desk to the next level with my favorite fresh flowers.
In my new work space, I have a small bookcase with copies of my books, a few business books, fun accessories and a vintage desk chair. To make the space more relaxing to the eye, I covered the wall in black and white stripe wallpaper. I still need an over head.
I think once I get my work space completely decorated, I’ll be even more productive.
Hi, please forgive my post replay. I’m in the middle of edits. I selected this post because I’m beefing up my PA’s duties. I have come to the realization I need a little more help. Happy June.
Happy August. It’s hard to believe we are in the middle of summer. I’ll keep it brief.
I did something a little presumptive or not very smart. The past two years have been a lot different. Most of us probably didn’t stick to our writing schedules. In an attempt to get back on track this year, I set up three preorders. What was I thinking? Since I’m being transparent, I changed the release date on all three preorders.
I could expound on the many things that contributed to the changes, but I won’t. However, the reasons and changes opened my eyes to something…I needed help…a team.
I’ve been doing well with my intimate production team.…a proof reader (my mom) and an editor. After my last release, my editor and I amended our arrangement. This new arrangement left me in a lurch…she wasn’t exactly on board with the new tone of my books. I like working with her. She understood my stories and she spoke French, which I needed for my series,The Good Girl. However, now she stated she would prefer to only edit sweet, non-sexual content books. Occasionally, I write sweet books and will keep her for those projects.
I freaked out about having to replace my editor. After all, she was half of my team. After my last release, I reached out to a friend who helped me find another editor who is on board with my writing style.
The other thing I realized was I was writing up to the deadline and trying to fit marketing in between craft and graphic design. I booked a few Facebook and BookBub ads. I also booked some newsletter swaps. However, I knew I could do more.
The past several years, I’ve heard other writers talk about their PAs. I longed for a PA, but figured that wasn’t in my budget just yet. But during lockdown, it seemed like more and more writers were talking about their PAs and how helpful they were. Pre-lockdown I reached out to a few PAs and felt as amazing as it sounded to have one, at that time it wasn’t an expense I was ready to take on.
Fast forward to lockdown and an author business workshop and a business book…”We Should All Be Millionaires”…by Rachel Rodgers, I realized not having help was costing me money.
I reached out and asked what an author PA did. I was ignorant. I thought all PAs did was schedule FB parties, newsletter swaps, send out prizes and organize ARC teams. I apologize to every PA out there because I was unaware of the value a good PA offers. I also think one of the issues I had with using a PA was control. I like to or rather I’m use to doing pretty much everything myself. I do my own covers, promotional graphics and ad graphics. I write my own newsletters and social media posts. I have an editor, a proof reader and a couple of beta readers.
If I was going to do this, I needed to know what a PA could do for me. Imagine my shock when I saw the list of things a PA could do that weren’t even on my list…book formatting, managing my social media and GoodReads page, update mailing list, arrange promotions and giveaways. I was intrigued.
I reached out to one of my FB groups for feedback and referrals. However, my friend A.M. Roark hit me up and recommended her PA…Praise Ikeme. We chatted and about an hour later, I knew she would be a good fit for me. I told Praise I wanted to take things slow and once I’ve come to grips with letting go of a few tasks, I’ll hand them off to her.
My dip into the PA water has been very good. I have my PA working with me on newsletter swaps. Within the first twenty-four hours of our arrangement, she had my first two months of swaps scheduled. I like that she sends me reminders, verifies the links on my site for the books I’m swapping. She proofs my newsletter and sends me reminders at the beginning of Newsletter Week.
I have to admit, I wasn’t very consistent when it came to sending out my newsletter. Since hiring my PA, I have a newsletter schedule…twice a month…which I’ve been sticking to. I also use the newsletter copy as blog copy. Thanks to my PA, I’m blogging again…something I hadn’t done in quite a while.
Now my team consists of three people…a proof reader, an editor and a PA. I’m excited and look forward to expanding my team when the time comes.
If you’re looking for a PA, I recommend Praise Ikeme (praiseikeme@gmail.com).
Who’s on your team?
Next month I’ll do a goals update.
Enjoy your summer and happy writing and reading.
Happy May.
Yes, I’m going to say it . . . I can’t believe it’s already May. The year is almost half over and I still have things from the first quarter I need to do.
Okay, so I’m going off course with this post and talk about a subject we as authors are guilty of not doing . . . self-care . . . wellness. I don’t know about you, but I am slowly moving back into society after three years of isolation. I still wear a mask. No judging. I happen to be highly allergic . . . grass, watermelon, horse hair, peanuts, cats, some dogs, dust…the list goes on. The other reason I’m still masked up, I’ve been undergoing some dental work and don’t want to catch anything before my next procedure..
Thanks to COVID, I have neglected myself. My beauty or maintenance regime has been very inconsistent. Prior to COVID, I went to the salon regularly. My hands, feet and hair were always on point. I worked out five days a week between 60 and 90 minutes per day.
As we are on the back end of the pandemic, I got a revelation. I need to take regular breaks. I also realized, haven’t been good about my self-care. I did a self-check and was shocked how easy it was for me fall back into some of my old habits. Not getting enough sleep was at the top of my list. When I don’t get enough rest, my thinking is cloudy and clear and my writing makes no sense.
So how am I going to resolve this? With baby steps.
First off, if I were to go all in with a major wellness change, I think I’d freak out. I really want to rest from all work for three consecutive days a month. Then I want to break the late night television binge. I have been hooked on Perry Mason reruns as well as the new HBO version. These two shows have kept up beyond my sleep time. The next thing, I want to do is gym five days a week for an hour per day. Third, I want to eliminate junk.
Believe it or not, the easiest thing on this list to do is eliminate junk food. Telling my body no to junk food was easy. Telling my body to go to bed earlier wasn’t. Here’s the weird part, my body clock still wants to get up at it’s designated time regardless of when I got into bed..
What does all of this have to do with self-care/wellness? If we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t count on anyone else to do it for us. The main reason for self-care is to live better . . . get stronger . . . get healthy.
If you haven’t already, I challenge you to start a wellness plan and or journal. Pencil in three day breaks every quarter. Remember, on these breaks you aren’t allowed to do anything work related. Then I want you to adjust or evaluate your sleep schedule. I won’t ask how many are on a regular sleep schedule, because we’re writers. We write when the muse speaks, but let’s train the muse to visit us during the day so we don’t have to be up late..
Next on the list, cut back on the junk food. Do I really need to explain this to you? You know junk food isn’t the healthiest option. However, the occasional hamburger and fries sort of just hit the spot. If you aren’t working out, get a plan. Start out with a brisk walk a few times a week. Then add some strength training. Trust me on the strength training. You need all the strength you can get to set up your book tables at signing events.
These few changes will help you stay healthy and wise. Trust me, your brain will welcome the opportunity to recharge.
Here’s to a new healthy second half of the year.
Happy March. This month we’ll usher in the beginning of spring. You wouldn’t know we were close to spring by the way the weather has slammed us. Last week I kept looking outside for Noah and the ark, but he never appeared. Instead, my neighborhood was hit with hail about three times. Then we get hit with a wind storm. It was so severe I kept looking for Dorothy and her crew to drop by.
I’ll keep it brief. As I mentioned earlier, this year I’m trying new things to grow my mailing list, BookBub followers and Facebook presence. I tried TikTok, but it’s not for me. I ascribe to that statement of only using the social media you understand. Right now, I don’t have the time needed to learn or grow a following on TikTok. My priority is to grow my mailing list because these are my people and I want to reach out to them when I want to, not when the algorithm wants to.
How is my mailing list project going? As of this post I have added 1800+ new subscribers. Let’s just pause and scream as I do a happy dance. Unfortunately, I’ve lost 48+/-. I’m not upset about the ones that left because I’m still ahead. February only had twenty eight days, which means I lost two days at thirty new subs per day. I’ll make them up with the months that have thirty one days.
I have to admit it’s getting trickier each month working with the swaps. I have yet to make a sale via the sales swap. However, I’ve had a few clicks.
The other thing I messed up on was posting/sharing. I misread the details. I thought I was only to post via my newsletter, which I did. However, I was also supposed to post to my socials. The other day when the March swaps went live, I started posting to Insta and FB. Within a few minutes of posting, I started getting clicks and downloads. As of this post, I’m at 115 new subs for the month of March. Overall, I’m averaging between 28+ new subs per day. These are great numbers considering in order to reach my goal I only need to average 19 new subs per day. Where I made the mistake, was not calculating for loss. I need to stay at this pace of 28 per day in order to reach my goal and cover any losses.
The other mistake I need to correct is focusing on sales. I’ve put most of my energy into growing my list that I’ve neglected sales. So far, this year’s sales have been dismal. Bright side, my Kobo sales are picking up. Praise God. I have been hoping to crack the Kobo freeze. I do well with freebies, but not sales. I hope this is the beginning of a fabulous relationship with Kobo.
The other area I’ve wanted to grow is my FB group. Thanks to an anthology I’m in and a release event, my reader list has grown to 120. YEAH! I am so excited about this. I really want to get this in the high hundreds. I would love to have at least a thousand followers here by the end of next year.
Then there’s my BookBub followers. I’m not at 1000 US followers yet, but I’m getting close. I’m currently at 684. I really want to get to a thousand US before my the end of the second quarter.
I know it’s going to take a little while to get to the numbers I want on my mailing list, BookBub and reader group, but I’m patient.
See you next month.
Happy February or Love month. I think this is unofficially the romance novel lovers holiday.
Let’s get right to it. I’m not sharing my goals list this year for one reason. I haven’t firmed them up.
This year my post will consist of a little of this and a little of that.
I apologize if this next statement is redundant. When I started my writing career, I didn’t know anything about marketing. I thought you wrote a book, loaded it to Amazon and an influx of sales would appear from the people I never marketed to were just waiting for my book.
It took awhile for me to learn I needed a tribe…followers…subscribers. It wasn’t until around my second or third release did I learn about newsletters. I did a few courses, webinars and read some blog posts on the subject of newsletter building.
I set up a Facebook ad along with a free download and started growing my list. I went from a few hundred to three thousand plus. I don’t know why, but I turned the ad off. Then I tried a few other list building options with some success. My list was growing and I figured it was just be a matter of time for my tribe to be five thousand strong. A number I felt was respectable. Then I started following some really big romance authors, going to conferences, doing more webinars and got a shock. Five thousand subscribers was good, but it was more on the low side. I’m not knocking anyone with a list of five thousand or less, because that’s where I am. At it’s highest my list was around 4400+.
Over the past few years, I’ve seen a major decline in my mailing list. I took another course and remember the teacher saying every time you send an email, you’ll lose some people. How not comforting when you’re trying to build your list. I think I got lax in sending my newsletter because every time I sent a newsletter, I fell victim to subscriber loss. If this continued, in a matter of months my list would be almost non-existent.
I have approximately 1000 people on my list who have opted not to receive email. I think they forgot to check the box to receive email. If anyone has a solution for how to engage them or make them email receivers, please send it to me.
If I wanted to get to my desired number, I needed to do something. I started researching NL swaps, list builders, anything that would help grow my list. There was just one little problem when it came to some of the larger or premium list swaps, low subscriber count knocked me out. I can’t be upset because it only made sense. Why would someone with 20k subs want to swap with someone who only had 3k? That plan was shot to poo poo.
New year same goal, get my list to 10,000 subscribers by the end of the year. I know it’s a lofty goal, but achievable. At the start of the year, my list was 3014 newsletter subscribers. This doesn’t include the 1000 who don’t want to receive emails.
I needed a plan that didn’t cost a lot of money. Apart from Facebook ads and the occasional NL swap, I needed something a little more aggressive. I did some research and discovered Book Funnel. I don’t know how I hadn’t tried their promotions. I’ve used Book Funnel to send ARCs and gifts.
I discovered people had great results with Book Funnel promotions. Plus, the promos were free. How did I not know about this valuable tool? Easy. I never activated the link for newsletter promotions and sales on my account.
In order to do reach my goal, I needed 6986 new subscribers. That’s I needed approximately 583 new subscribers per month for a year.
Here’s my plan…join five Book Funnel promotions a month until I reach my goal. On December 31st my first campaign launched and the others started on January 1st. I checked the numbers several times a day, because I’m a little obsessive. Things were moving along well. Then I sent out a couple of emails and like normal, I lost a few people. I didn’t freak out, because I was gaining new subscribers from the Book Funnel promotions.
In the month of January, the five promotions averaged 30 new subs a day. If I kept up that pace, I’d exceed my goal. As of this post, I have acquired 1100+ new subscribers.
Why am I so adamant about building my list is purely selfish. Building my social media is important, but if those platforms shut down I lose access to the platform’s followers. Remember the Facebook breakdown last year? No access to those readers for a brief period. Imagine if that breakdown had lasted longer. Those followers would be lost to me because they aren’t my people, but the platform’s. My mailing list belongs to me no matter what happens.
A larger list is also the gateway to more sales. I did some hypothetical math and realized if I had a larger mailing list, there was a good likelihood I’d have more preorders from my list. More preorders equals more money.
I have a few questions for you.
How’s your mailing list?
Are you pleased with your mailing list? If not, what are you doing to build your list?
See you next month.
A Slice of Orange is an affiliate with some of the booksellers listed on this website, including Barnes & Nobel, Books A Million, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords. This means A Slice of Orange may earn a small advertising fee from sales made through the links used on this website. There are reminders of these affiliate links on the pages for individual books.
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More info →A Slice of Orange is an affiliate with some of the booksellers listed on this website, including Barnes & Nobel, Books A Million, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords. This means A Slice of Orange may earn a small advertising fee from sales made through the links used on this website. There are reminders of these affiliate links on the pages for individual books.
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