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Finn's life is in the hands of a distant and deadly relation.
More info →Oh, Boy! Oh, Bailey!
Find a penny, pick it up; just don't bank on Lady Luck.
A madman's ramblings, a government's secrets and a personal pain send Josie Bates into hell on earth.
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Tari – LOL! Funny about your husband! Great idea to write letters to your characters. 🙂
Linda – Two of the books I've been enjoying are "How We Decide" by Jonah Lehrer (loved it!), and "How God Changes Your Brain" by Dr. Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman (still reading it). Also a friend just suggested "My Stroke of Insight" by Jill Bolte Taylor (just started the Kindle sample). Those are just a few but you might want to check them out. Enjoy! 🙂 P.S. Love your fun ideas on my Cowboy character! LOL!
Great post, Kitty. Maybe some time you could mention the books on the brain you've read. Or maybe they're at GoodReads, I'll look you up there. I love Warehouse 13, too, and I miss H. G.!
Sounds like your mental engine is firing on all cylinders, and that's wonderful. About cowboy, could he have a flying horse? I don't see why horses can't have super powers, too! Or there is some kind of teleportation device. Something steampunky. Now you've got my mind going!
My ideas come from anywhere and everywhere. There are more ideas out there than any of us can capture in a lifetime and that's a good thing.
Hi Kitty! Definitely from my characters. I just let them tell their story. If I lose touch with them I've been known to even write them letters. Years ago my husband was terrified that he'd have to have me committed when he wasn't sure whether he was talking to me or one of my characters….now he just goes with it…..