When I was asked to write a Valentine Day’s blog for OCC, my mind absolutely went blank. I mean blank, as in, nothing there. Empty. No memories of long-stemmed roses. No intimate dinners arranged by my darling husband. No diamonds that say, “I love you.†No box of chocolates or surprise trip to…well, anywhere.
I wracked my brain. There had to be something I could write about—even one romantic Valentine evening or hastily picked up bouquet of flowers from a corner street vendor. I rummaged through a box of cards I’ve kept throughout the years (got distracted reading all those cute hand made cards from my kids) I was hoping something would jog my memory. Nada.
This was downright embarrassing.
I was feeling just a tad inadequate, knowing that all the other blogs would be heart warming, sigh evoking stories of romantic husbands who bring home champagne and sprinkle rose petals on the bed. (The only rose petals on my bed would have been the ones stuck in my hair when I came in from the garden) I thought, well, I am a writer. I could make up a story. Who would be the wiser?
I would.
Whatever I wrote, I knew it had to be true, and it had to be heartfelt.
So I thought about my husband and everything he does do and has done, not what he hadn’t….
He always fills my car with gas for me (he knows I hate to) He stays up late to help me with website projects. (because I don’t know how) He rubs my back. (my favorite) He’s very very patient when I’m having a hormonal day. (often) He’s building a storybook garden for me and did all the heavy work in the garden, even when he’d rather be doing a hundred other things. He makes me coffee in the morning before he goes to work and leaves me notes wishing me a happy day. If we wake up in the middle of the night, he’ll always tell me he loves me.
Jeez. I could go on and on.
So maybe he isn’t that great at remembering birthdays and anniversaries and special occasions. I realize I don’t care.
He remembers what’s most important in a relationship. The little things that in the end mean a lot more to me than a diamond necklace or roses or even a trip to Paris.
I don’t have to wait for Valentine’s Day for him to show me he loves me. He does it every day, in a hundred ways.
I’m one hell of a lucky girl.
Barbara McCauley
PS. And what do I do for him for Valentine’s Day? A card,(sometimes) a heart shaped meat loaf or macaroni and cheese. (Two of his favorite meals) Aren’t we a pair?
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Sue/Gillian–You have a terrific, not to mention handsome and TALL hero husband most definitely! Give him a hug for me!
A husband who does all that AND he looks like, IMO, a cuter and cuddlier Richard Gere?? You are one lucky lady!
Sue/Gillian, who would be green with envy if I didn’t have my very own hero/husband. 😉
My hubbie forgets birthdays and anniversaries sometimes, too. But you’re right about the little things. And what man doesn’t like mac and cheese?
Thanks to ladybug and ha ha ha, Sandy, who’s referring to one of my customers clients who told him he had “stunningly handsome hair” We love to tease him about that (but it’s a great compliment, too!) so what’s up with anonymous, huh?
And you forgot to mention, Barb, that not only is Frank a sweetie, but he has “stunningly handsome” hair!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you both,
Love your blog – and your books!
I have the same kind of husband! He’s not overly affectionate but he SHOWS me he loves me in so many other ways. In fact, I’m writing an article about how he does love me for my Desire Blog week entitled, He Put Air in My Tires … what a hoot. I knew I liked your hubby!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!